There is a Symposium scheduled for this Saturday July 30th 2011.
Here are the details according to Elizabeth von Muggenthaler’s website:
Lake Champlain Symposium
(Sponsored in part by the Radius Foundation)
Date: Saturday the 30th of July
Time: 10 am – 8 pm
Place: The Strong House Inn, 94 West Main Street Vergennes, VT 05491 Strong House Inn
Cost: $16 12 years and up, 6-11 years free
Discounted online tickets
1 Ticket $14.00 2 Tickets $24.00 4 tickets $46.00
**The scientific abstract of one of the lectures**
Lecture Lineup
Morning Session: 10 am – 2 pm Topics for Families and Children designed for ages 5 and up. There will be other activities and learning experiences outside for children.
Introduction: Elizabeth von Muggenthaler and Scott Mardis
Welcome to the 30th anniversary of the last Lake Symposium, held at Shelburne Farms in 1981.
The Human and Other Animal Senses – von Muggenthaler, The abilities of non-human animals v.s. the ability of humans.
Tales from Lake Champlain – Joe Citro
Teens can Achieve – Precious Ortiz – An inspirational lecture to other children encouraging them to realize that even at a young age they can achieve great things.
EMF: Electro-magnetic Fields what are they and how they effect us and our surroundings – Brian Leighton
Animals Sensing and Detecting Illness – Ruby Anderson
Something Big Swimming in a Very Old Fresh Water Lake – Mardis, S., von Muggenthaler, Gregory, J, Anderson, R. (2011) Echolocation in a Freshwater Lake: Great (funded by the Radius Foundation)
Interactive Session (outside) – Brian Leighton and Liz von Muggenthaler- about the tools researchers use to study scientific questions – Hands on with the equipment, question and answer.
Evening Session: 4 pm – 8 pm
Serious Science for Adults
The Paleontology and Geology of the Lake Champlain Basin – A comprehensive overview of the lake over millions of years. Scott Mardis
Can Animals Detect Natural Disasters: The potential of a major earthquake in the Champlain Basin. von Muggenthaler, E. (2009) Seismic Infrasonic Detection in Mammals. Overview of animals known to be sensitive to vibration, and the risk people of the Champlain Basin face..Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, American Institute of Physics.
Research Equipment on a Budget: Scientific instruments, their use and affordability – Brian Leighton
Autism Service Dogs – Ruby Anderson -10 years ago the rate of Autism was 1 in 10,000 today it is 1 in 110. Autism service dogs can be trained to redirect a child’s attention when they are upset and help calm and comfort them. This lecture will focus on what Autism Service Dogs can be owner trained to do, qualities needed for Autism service dogs and legal protections for service dogs.
The Felid Purr: low frequency therapeutic biomechanical stimulation. How the felid purr in all species is an internal healing mechanism. Von Muggenthaler, E. (2006) Reviewed Proceedings from the 12th International Conference on Low Frequency Noise, Vibration, and its Control, Bristol, UK
Science and Spirit – Gary Anderson – Understanding how science and spirit can work together.
Echolocation in a Fresh Water Lake – Mardis, S., von Muggenthaler, Gregory, J, Anderson, R. (2011) Echolocation in a Freshwater Lake: A Paleontological and Geological Perspective. (funded by the Radius Foundation)
Best wishes,
Hello. My name is Sean. I am the owner of the Champ-Trackers email group. We are not very active, but we occasionally have spirited discussions. I hope to contribute to this forum often.
You can join the champ-trackers group too!
Champ continues to be the subject of potentially promising research.
The work of Tom Manley and his colleagues at Middlebury College has involved mapping Lake Champlain using side scan sonar. While their primary objective is not Champ-related, they have yet to find evidence of the creature.
Of equal interest is the research conducted by Elizabeth von Muggenthaler, who, using sophisticated listening devices, has reported detecting the presence of a creature echolocating in the lake. Also called called bio-sonar, echolocation is the way that certain creature move about and find their food. Muggenthaler says that the only two creatures capable of making such sounds that she and her colleagues recorded, are dolphins and whales – neither of which reside in the lake. So what is it? She plans to do more research with Winooski-based Champ expert Scott Mardis, in hopes of gathering sufficient data with which to publich a scientific paper on the subject. Fascinating stuff.
With each passing year, more and more people are attracted to the lake as the human population on both sides, swells. This should also increase the likelihood of getting a good photograph or video, or someone spotting a carcass washed ashore. If Champ lives, one can expect with all of the hand-held mobile phones out there, someone will get a decent picture – IF.
A good photo, or more conclusive results from Dr. Muggenthaler, could generate more funding for Champ research, but ultimately, for the type of proof requied by the scientific community, nothing short of a body will do.
Charlie's Journal
McNeill’s of Brattleboro, VT is offering up an American Pale Ale style beer called Champ Ale. In our opinion, its one of the best beverages to enjoy while watching for Champ from the beaches along Lake Champlain. Throw back a couple (or 6) and you’re almost guaranteed to see Champ.
General Information
History Channel has put togerther an awesome show on Champ, “America’s Loch Ness Monster” Here are the links to parts 1-4, available to watch Free on the History Channel website
A Must-See for anyone interested in learning more about Champ.
General Information
Eric Olsen of Burlington, VT shot the following video of something in the lake on the morning of May 31. Champ? Or a Moose? You decide. You can also check out the Burlington Free Press‘ coverage of the sighting.
From the article:
“I was just filming the water when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move, and I turned toward it and tried to zoom in on it,” said Olsen, a Web site developer and musician.
“You can see that it is moving both horizontally, across the water, and vertically, going under the surface and coming back up,” he said. “It struck me as something that was long, that it didn’t have much girth.”
Update: A couple things have happened since this video was originally posted. Eric Olsen has backed off from the suggestion that he saw a lake monster, causing some to wonder if he knows what was in his video:
“I put this up because it was strange, not because I think it is Champ.”
The Burlington Free Press has posted a follow-up article about the Champ Video, in which they interviewed Cedric Anderson, a Moose specialist with the VT Department of Fish and wildlife. He says the following:
“The head shape is not right for a moose, and the body’s too long. Also, there’s no ears that I can see. Moose have ears that look like donkey ears.”
Update 2: ABC News weighs in with a very thorough 4 (web)page article covering a variety of Champ-related topics. You can read the ABC Champ article here.
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Recent Sightings
You can see the full video below, this looks a lot like Champ!
From Reuters:
Apr 3 – Just 800 miles (1287 km) from the North Pole,
paleontologists believe they have found the fossilized remains of a
massive sea monster that lived 150 million years ago.
Predator X — a new species of a Pliosaur — is said to have been the most dangerous creature to have lived under water.
The creature was about 50 feet (15 meters) long, weighed approximately
45 tonnes (40,823,000 kg), had a head ten feet (3 meters) long and jaws
armed with teeth the size of cucumbers.
Dr. Jorn Hurum, and his team of paleontologists discovered Predator X
in northern Norway last October and says the new species of a Pliosaur
was more fearsome in power than the land-based Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Other Lake/Sea Creatures
The warm weather is here, so we’re getting ready for another season of Champ Chasing. Here are some excerpts from the journal of the original (European) champ chaser, Samuel de Champlain:
“… there is an island where a terrible monster resides, which the savages call ‘Gougou,’ and which they told me had the form of a woman, though very frightful, and of such a size that they told me the tops of the masts of our vessel would not reach to his middle.”
And he goes on…
“… and they say that he has often devoured and still continues to devour many savages; these he puts, when he can catch them, into a great pocket, and afterwards eats them; and those who had escaped the jaws of this wretched creature said that its pocket was so great that it could have put our vessel into it. This monster makes horrible noises in this island. … When they speak of him, it is with the greatest possible fear, and several have assured me that they have seen him.
“What makes me believe what they say is the fact that all the savages in general fear it, and tell such strange things about it that, if I were to record all they say, it would be regarded as a myth; but I hold that this is the dwelling-place of some devil that torments them.”
Here are the links to the journals online, hosted by the Gutenberg project….
Historical Sightings
A creature that looks an awful lot like Bigfoot had been discovered in GA. This creature was 7’7″, weighed over 500lbs, walked upright and most importantly, had feet that were nearly 17″ long. Several others were spotted in the area on the same day, Rick and Matt are planning a trip in the near future in an attempt to catch one of these badboys. Wish I had a photo but all the sites are swamped, and these guys are keeping a pretty tight hold on the rights. If you can get to load, there are a few photos there, even one where you can see the face. Press conference on Fri, we’ll see you there.
August 12, 2008
DNA evidence and photo evidence to be presented at a
to be held on
Date: Friday, August 15, 2008
Time: From 12Noon-1:00pm
Place: Cabana Hotel-Palo Alto (A Crown Plaza Resort) 4290 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, California 94306
Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. Menlo Park, California
Tom Biscardi, CEO
A body that may very well be the body of the creature commonly known as “Bigfoot” has been found in the woods in northern Georgia.
DNA evidence and photo evidence of the creature will be presented in a press conference on Friday, August 15th from 12 Noon to 1:00pm at the Cabana Hotel-Palo Alto at 4290 El Camino Real in Palo Alto, California, 94306. The press conference will not be open to the public. It will only be open to credentialed members of the press.
Here are some of the vital statistics on the “Bigfoot” body:
*The creature is seven feet seven inches tall.
*It weighs over five hundred pounds.
*The creature looks like it is part human and part ape-like.
*It is male.
*It has reddish hair and blackish-grey eyes.
*It has two arms and two legs, and five fingers on each hand and
five toes on each foot.
*The feet are flat and similar to human feet.
*Its footprint is sixteen and three-quarters inches long and five and three-quarters inches wide at the heel.
*From the palm of the hand to the tip of the middle finger, its hands are
eleven and three-quarters inches long and six and one-quarter inches wide.
*The creatures walk upright. (Several of them were sighted on the same day that the body was found.)
*The teeth are more human-like than ape-like.
*DNA tests are currently being done and the current DNA and photo evidence will be presented at the press conference on Friday, August 15th.
The creature was found by Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer (residents of Georgia) in the woods in northern Georgia. (The exact location is being kept secret to protect the creatures.)
Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer will be flying in from Georgia to be at the press conference. Also present at the press conference will be Tom Biscardi, CEO of Searching for Bigfoot, Inc.
Whitton is a Clayton County, Georgia, police officer, who is currently on administrative leave after being wounded in the course of duty pursuing an alleged felon. Dyer is a former correctional officer. Whitton and Dyer are co-owners of and Bigfoot Global LLC., a company that offers Bigfoot expeditions. Whitton and Dyer are working with Bigfoot hunter, Tom Biscardi, and Biscardi’s Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., to present and conduct the scientific study of the evidence and information on this body.
A few weeks ago, Whitton and Dyer announced the finding of the body on the “Squatch Detective” radio show, an internet based radio show hosted by Steve Kulls. While on that show, the commentator asked Rick Dyer “Would you allow one of our people to come down and verify the body?” Dyer replied, “The only person we would allow to come down and verify the body was ‘the real Bigfoot Hunter,’ Tom Biscardi.” The next day, the producer of the Squatch Detective show contacted Biscardi with pertinent information on how to contact Dyer and Whitton.
Extensive scientific studies will be done on the body by a team of scientists including a molecular biologist, an anthropologist, a paleontologist and other scientists over the next few months at an undisclosed location. The studies will be carefully documented and the findings will be released to the world, according to Biscardi.
Biscardi is known as “the real Bigfoot Hunter” because of his extensive investigations out in the field. He has been searching for Bigfoot since 1971 and over the past several years, he has been criss-crossing the United States and Canada tracking down the hottest leads on Bigfoot sightings.
Videography on the studies will be done under the supervision of Scott Davis, an independent producer and owner of TV Biz Productions in Phoenix, Arizona.
Currently, Tom Biscardi and his Searching for Bigfoot Team, in conjunction with Bigfoot Global LLC., are preparing to capture another of these creatures alive. That expedition will start very soon. The dates and the locations are being kept confidential.
The body that is currently being studied is being referred to as the “RICKMAT” creature, a name derived from the names of Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton. [Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman recommends the term “Georgia Gorilla” be used to remove any taint of ego from the discovery, and so the general public, media, and science will have a comfortable moniker until a formal zoological name may be bestowed.]
Last year, a film that Biscardi produced about his investigations, called “Bigfoot Lives,” won first place in the Documentary category at the Pocono Mountains Film Festival. Biscardi also hosts a Bigfoot oriented internet radio show that can be heard on Wednesday nights from 7:00pm to 8:00pm PDT at The show is heard in over thirty countries.
Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. has exclusive rights to all publishing rights, photo rights, television and film rights, production and distribution rights and other commercial opportunities related to the discovery and findings regarding this body and these creatures.
Interested parties may contact Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., in writing, at their mailing address, 1134 Crane St., Suite 216, Menlo Park, California 94025.
Authorities have decided to lift endangered species status for the monster or population of monsters known as Storsjoodjuret. It lives in Lake Storsjon, the fifth largest lake in Sweden.
There are wildly varied reports of Storsjoodjuret, the first of which was a tale by a vicar in 1635. Recent sightings of the serpent are widely varied. You can read more on wikipedia using the links above.

Other Lake/Sea Creatures