dear charlie champ chaser,
my name is andie guran, i am ten years old, and i have a few questions. i watched a show on discovery channel, and a woman reported a sighting of some dinosaur-looking creature on her lake champlain property. she said at night when her dogs started barking, she looked out her window and saw the creature walk under the light-post. she described both of the ones she saw(on different nights), as a plaseosaur-lookind creature without flapper fin things. my question is, do you think that champ could’ve evolved from a plaseosaur, into all these funny sea monsters we’ve been seeing? and do you think they could’ve developed sonar like that other woman captured on tape like no other sonar?(i’ll explain it to you some other time, if you don’t know that story. but i think you do)
please write back, your friend,
Hi Andie,
Thanks for your email, I’m sorry it took me so long to respond, its been a busy summer of searching for Champ. Regarding the monster walking under the street lamp… there have been a lot of sightings of Champ lounging on the shore of the lake or coming up on shore. It is entirely possible that one was walking across her property as long as it was somewhat near the water. Personally, I believe that Champ has flippers, but I have never seen one myself so I can’t be sure. I would be interested in learning more about the sonar you speak of, believe it or not I have not had the opportunity to watch the history channel documentary. Looking forward to hearing from you.
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