Lake Champlain is home to a breeding colony of Loch Ness type animals.
Within you will find the best search dates for the Summer of 2000. This
field guide is a must for anyone with an interest in Cryptozoology, it
goes way beyond any book in print when it comes to hard evidence and
facts. Thirty years spent searching for and finding these ancient
reptiles has made Dennis Hall the world’s #1 authority on the animals
that have chosen Lake Champlain as their home. This book is for kids
and adults of all ages. With close to fifty photographs, maps, and
illustrations this book is hard to close once opened. It includes a
monthly calendar of best search dates for finding the elusive creatures
we fondly call “Champ” (May through November 2000), recent sightings,
historical sightings, new evidence, and chapters on zebra mussels &
blue-green algae. Dennis has included many photos, stills from his 1985
video of Champ, maps, & sonar evidence. It’s really great reading
with lots of graphics.
Champ Quest 2000 by Dennis Jay Hall
April 22nd, 2008 · 1 Comment
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1 response so far ↓
1 john lackey // Aug 9, 2009 at 12:37 pm
dear dennis thank you for your work i would like to speak with you some day drove to ny last may couldnt find you saw some unusual stuff such as large bait ball many sea gulls fresh water very strange my opinion mansie photo is real but not head neck articulated right peck fin shoulder elbow forearm wrist flipperdhand cannot see claws but shape of flipper at end seggest hand inside call me 12153108647
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